Divine Global Health

Recruitment and Domiciliary Care Agency

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Tel: 02476 920 700

Mob: 07821 966 008

Companionship care

As we get older, become fragile and less mobile, it is normal to feel in less control and lonely at times. One of the most rewarding aspects of home care support is the difference companionship can make. Our companionship services are tailored to support your choices and deliver the care you need to live your life how you choose.

Companion care provides a valuable social benefit by preventing isolation and helping to reduce depression from being alone. It also provides invaluable peace of mind to the person's family by offering information and respite for caregivers.

These non-medical services help make life more manageable. Companions are essential “eyes and ears” to family members. Most importantly, they act as a friend who listens and cares. Divine Global Health makes sure that you are never alone if you are worried about feeling withdrawn from society.